Estate Planning

Cryptocurrency: The New Frontier of Estate Planning

Cryptocurrency: The New Frontier of Estate Planning

What if millions, or even billions, of dollars in wealth suddenly disappeared? What if some of your assets are lost after your death and your heirs are unable to recover them? With the rising popularity and value of cryptocurrency, these scenarios are now a very real possibility.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a virtual medium of exchange. The "crypto" part of the name comes from the fact that the currency uses cryptography to secure transactions. Think of it like wiring money or trading stocks (all ones and zeros), except that cryptocurrency is not regulated by a central bank or securities commission.

Estate Tax Portability in a Nutshell

Estate Tax Portability in a Nutshell

In a world of computers that fit in your pocket and phones on your wrist, "portability" is all the rage. And for the last six years, it has been all the rage in estate planning circles as well — except "portability" in this context has nothing to do with how small something is.

What is estate tax portability?

As of January 1, 2018, the estate tax exemption for individuals is $11.2 million, adjusted for inflation. In other words, if your assets are worth $11.2 million or less at the time of your death (and you have not used any of your combined estate and gift tax exemption), your estate owes no estate tax. But upon the death of the first spouse, the surviving spouse can elect to use the deceased spouse's unused exemption amount (also known as "DSUE"), effectively doubling the estate tax exemption for married couples to $22.4 million. This election is known as estate tax portability.

What is an Advance Directive for Health Care?

What is an Advance Directive for Health Care?

Estate planning is meant to give you peace of mind. Knowing your assets will go to the proper people is important. But equally (if not more) important is knowing that the proper people will be able to take care of you when you cannot do so yourself. Therefore, one of the most indispensable parts of your estate plan is the Advance Directive for Health Care.

We have previously written about advance directives in greater detail, but, to summarize, the document is made up of three parts: (1) a living will, (2) health care proxy appointment, and (3) anatomical gifts.

Durable Powers of Attorney: Explained

Durable Powers of Attorney: Explained

Kanye West once said that no one man should have all that power. Fortunately for 'Ye, one man doesn't have to have all that power if he has an essential estate planning document called a Durable Power* of Attorney. (*This was most likely the "power" Kanye was referring to in his hit song, "Power".)

What does a power of attorney do?

Generally speaking, a power of attorney gives someone (your "attorney-in-fact") the ability to act for you in financial and/or medical situations. In other words, one man doesn't have to have all that power — he can share it with someone else. This authority can be limited in scope, e.g., a single real estate transaction; or it can be broad, e.g., any and all healthcare and financial decisions.

5 Ways to Avoid Probate

5 Ways to Avoid Probate

Probate is a dirty word to most people. It's time-consuming, expensive, public, and brings with it the possibility of infighting and costly litigation. So how can you avoid it? The short answer: estate planning. But as we have written before, estate planning is a very broad topic. So here are five ways you can use estate planning to avoid probate:

1. Give away your entire estate.

This might seem like the most logical solution and, sadly, many people do it without thinking of the consequences. If you give away your assets, you also give away control over them. If, for example, you give your home to your child, you cannot control who lives there or if it is sold or mortgaged or seized by your child's creditors — even if you're living there. Giving away your estate may also trigger a federal gift tax. What's more, if you give your child your home as a gift during your lifetime, they cannot take advantage of a concept known as stepped-up basis and could instead be forced to pay large capital gains taxes in the future.