Star Wars

Why Star Wars is Actually About Estate Planning

Why Star Wars is Actually About Estate Planning

Today is May 4th, which means only one thing…

It’s Star Wars Day (as in, “May the Fourth be with you”).

Yes, just three days after Justin Timberlake's annual takeover of the Internet, your Facebook news feeds and Twitter timelines are probably now overflowing with Star Wars memes.

It's a tradition that has come to feel like an overdone Dad Joke™, though like many Dad Jokes™, it still makes your mouth turn up slightly at one corner against your wishes.

But this year I want to add something unique to the discourse.

Something gripping.

Something provocative…

I am going to explain how Star Wars is actually a story about estate planning.

It is an incredibly ambitious undertaking, I know. No scholar has attempted it before. But in the words of a tiny green space goblin named Yoda, “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

A Few Introductory Notes

As a Star Wars fan and as an attorney, I am obligated to make several disclaimers.

First and foremost, consider this your one and only >>spoiler warning<<.